
Digestive issues come in many different forms: Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO), colitis and leaky gut to name a few. But all can have a major impact on your daily life. Finding the right solution for your disruptive digestive condition can help you to regain your life. 

Imagine if you could…

  • Reduce unnecessary bloating in your body;

  • Quit being afraid of embarrassing gas;

  • Remove abdominal cramping and pain;

  • Fix constipation issues;

  • Stop diarrhea;

  • Identify food sensitivities; and

  • Regulate acid reflux.

Book in with Dr. Gansner today to start back on the path to normal digestive health.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Dr. Gansner can recommend a detailed digestive reboot that rapidly stops the major problems of IBS such as bloating, flatulence, cramping, pain, constipation and/or diarrhea.  A stool sample will be taken to determine what is happening with your digestive system and we will work to get full resolution of your symptoms so you can go back to living a full life. 

Dr. Gansner adopts a multi-staged approach to treating IBS: (i) re-establish a healthy bacterial balance in your gut; (ii) start to heal the digestive lining and prevent any leaky gut, and (iii) focus on resilience and gut stability so that you can begin to eat the foods you love again. If you’re ready to get to the root cause and heal your gut, it’s time to book in to see Dr. Gansner.

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Suffering from IBS?

Let Dr. Gansner find the root cause, and suffer no more.

Food Intolerances

Food intolerance or food sensitivity is very common and often associated with other health concerns like digestive problems, joint pains, headaches, skin problems (acne, eczema and psoriasis), ADHD, depression, anxiety or memory problems. Generally the food intolerance leads to inflammation in the body and that is why there is such a long list of associated health concerns. A food intolerance is an immune system problem, but is linked to the IgG antibody with a delayed hypersensitivity that comes out 24-72 hours after the food is eaten. A food intolerance should not be confused with a food allergy that has a rapid response and is linked to the IgE antibody with a histamine reaction.

It’s important to know that people tested for allergies may still have unknown food intolerances. Dr. Gansner offers a blood based test that has been scientifically validated and is run with the highest quality control and covers over 120 different foods.

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) 

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Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is a chronic infection caused by bacteria that has abnormally overgrown into the small intestine. SIBO can often look very similar to Candida, but is more often associated with chronic constipation and can improve with antibiotic use. The symptoms of SIBO are more often localized to the digestive tract, but the overgrowth of bacteria can interfere with the absorption of nutrients leading to nutrient deficiency and a wide variety of symptoms. Often there is a lot of bloating and gas, and can also cause chronic fatigue and memory problems. 

Possible Testing Options?

Testing options remain challenging as there is no ideal SIBO test.  The small intestine being a difficult place to reach. Endoscopy only reaches the top portion, and colonoscopy only reaches the end portion. The middle portion, is significant (~17 feet) and is not accessible other than by surgery. Stool testing mainly reflects the condition of the large intestine.

Dr. Gansner recommends the non-invasive Hydrogen & Methane Breath Test which measures the hydrogen and methane gas produced by bacteria in the small intestine that has diffused into the blood, and then the lungs for expiration. These are gases produced by bacteria, and not humans. It is graphed over several hours and compared to baseline. Patients are asked to drink a sugar solution after a preparatory diet. The diet removes much of the food that would feed the bacteria, allowing for a clear reaction to the sugar drink.  If needed, a further Rocky Mountain Analytical blood lab test is also available.

What is an appropriate treatment protocol?

Once a patient has been accurately diagnosed with SIBO, Dr. Gansner has several treatment options available. She will develop a tailored treatment protocol that will consist of medical antibiotics, herbal antibiotics and an anti-SIBO diet protocol to reduce the bacterial overgrowth. 

Once a successful treatment protocol has been found, we will move on to allow for the healing of the lining of the small intestine.  This will occur on its own when the bacteria is reduced, assisted with diet and recommended nutritional supplements. Lastly, Dr. Gansner will provide tools to prevent future relapse likely through the use of probiotics to re-establish a healthy bacterial balance.