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Whether you are already working with a fertility clinic or need a referral to one, Dr. Gansner can help. The IVF and IUI process can be complex and confusing, but we can assist in explaining the process, and providing tools to improve egg and sperm quality for best outcomes and potentially saving money by getting you faster success.

If you are seeking IVF or IUI, an integrative approach that uses a combination of conventional medicine and evidence based natural medicine will help to improve your success rates. Acupuncture in particular has been shown to significantly increase IVF/IUI success rates when performed regularly leading up to a treatment, as well as immediately before and after embryo transfer. Antioxidant supplementation with specific naturopathic supplements have also been shown to improve IVF/IUI success. For optimal outcomes, these treatments should start 8-12 weeks leading up to your IVF/IUI cycle.

The process, even with IVF and IUI, should be a positive experience that is about starting an exciting next chapter in your life. A personalized health plan can be developed that is science based and will include supplements, acupuncture, diet and lifestyle changes.
